Thursday, April 30, 2015

Could I Be a Victim of Credit Card Identity Theft?

Identity theft cases have been on the rise over the past decade, and they show no signs of slowing down or stopping. There has been an increased amount of people using the Internet for many things including shopping, banking, using social media and even pursuing an education. Each of these things involves posting personal information online, potentially opening things up to strangers and allowing them access to your most personal, private information. While it may seem like second nature to many to post intimate details about themselves online, using credit and debit cards and information in order to make progress can often be an open invitation to thieves - giving them a chance to make your life miserable. While identity theft in terms of stolen personal information is quite prominent in today's society, the majority of victims are those of credit card fraud - financial information compromise is quite damaging.

How will I know if I've been hit?
In many cases, thieves are able to move within financial accounts without detection for periods of time. During this time, accounts may be opened and closed, transactions completed, purchases made and even huge debts racked up. For those that are not in the habit of checking their credit card statements and account balances often, these things can be quite shocking when they come to light. Luckily for these would-be victims, companies have worked hard to create options for people to fight back against these thieves and their actions by providing services like credit monitoring that can alert people early on to credit card identity theft - and give them a chance to stop and reverse things before they get too out of hand. While they take some effort to implement, services like this can truly save a lot of time and effort on an individual level in the long run. Recovering from identity theft takes time, especially if there is financial recovery involved - why make things more difficult? The sooner you are able to recognize that you have become a victim of credit card identity theft, the more likely you will be to recover completely in a timely manner.

Where can I find these services?
These services can be found in the same location that they strive to protect - the Internet. Websites have been created promoting these services and the companies that provide them, giving people information necessary to make informed decisions. Identity theft protection services are meant to help people that truly need them - they can be used at any time throughout a person's life in order to provide some of the most necessary protection that they can have. As it is recognized that there are people that have differing needs, there are multiple types of protection available, each with extensive information available in order to help you and others make informed final decisions about the final purchase. They aren't just for show, these services are meant to provide protection to those that fear becoming victims of identity theft, and are useful in teaching people new habits and what to look for.

What is the Best Password Manager App?

When it comes to protecting yourself against identity theft, the first thing that many people feel the need to address is the safety and security of their passwords. Passwords are used to separate out most private information from the general public, so choosing strong ones is imperative to the success of their intended purpose. In order to best manage passwords, there are companies that have developed programs and applications that are meant to help people manage their lives - organizing this personal information in a way that will make it possible for people to go through their everyday lives in a manner that won't be disruptive and at the same time will keep information that is meant to be secret protected.

Well, what's the best choice for me?
Although there are many different options and some of them work better than others, there is not a definite "best" app that is universally accepted by all users. As these are designed for use by a wide variety of people, they cover a broad spectrum, meaning that they do a variety of things in a very concise manner. Yes, they are all good - they have been proven time and time again - but every individual situation is different, and this has to be understood when trying to choose the best one for yourself. While one service or application may work well for one type of person or situation, it could be totally ineffective in another - do your research.

Does "best" mean "only"?
No, actually it doesn't. Just because something has been determined to be the best to meet current needs, things change. For this reason, it's important to keep an open mind when it comes to identity theft protection and password management. Needs change, and so do situations. People may need one type of protection at one point in their lives, and then a completely different type later on - it simply depends on the circumstances. While the programs are designed to meet a large range of needs, they don't always work exactly the same for all users, which can be a good thing. No two people will have the same stored database of passwords, and people definitely don't have the same type of transaction history when it comes to banking and shopping, so some variation will be necessary.

Can Password Manager Reviews Be Trusted?

People look to the opinions of others for many things. Restaurant and product reviews, movie reviews, attractions and things to do... whether or not people want to go places and do things often depends largely on the opinions and feelings of others. When it comes to identity theft protection, things are often no different. Reviews can in many cases be the thing that keeps people from purchasing something - or even causes them to take the leap and make a commitment. The way that these things work, if something has succeeded in the past, people feel more confidence toward a project, service, person or thing and are more likely to try it out for themselves. Where questions are involved, though, is in determining whether or not a review can be trusted - and where it is coming from.

Official Website Reviews
The companies that create products like password managers, credit and identity monitors and single sign on solutions often provide a section of their websites that include product reviews and success stories from past customers. If a company is willing to put information on their website, it is a good bet that they are going to stand behind it. Why risk putting a positive review on a website for all to see if the way that the product works is a complete opposite? When looking at potential companies and product website information like that available at, it's important to think about what is being said and the manner in which it is being presented. These reviews and product descriptions are coming from past and current clients of the company, and often reflect the exact ways in which the products have been used - whether the reviews are good or bad remains to be seen based on the content itself, but it can be assumed that the official reviews will be trustworthy.

User Information and Reviews
Often, independent websites and blogs will pop up where people freely share their opinions about their personal experiences with products and services. As identity theft has become a valid concern for large numbers of the population, there are many people that are willing to share their experiences both with thieves, the process of recovering and the products that they have been using to combat thievery and going through the difficult decision. People that write product reviews and blogs about their experiences may embellish a little, but the overall goal of these entries and information is to get the word out - if someone has a negative experience, they will want to warn others... but at the same time, those that have benefitted from using services like these to protect against identity theft will also want to tell others so that they can help themselves as soon as possible. While it's imperative that you understand that the situations of others will not always directly mimic your own experiences, independent reviews and information can always be considered much less biased than the information present on the websites of the companies looking to sell the products that they have created.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ways to Prevent Identity Theft

Identity theft prevention is a concern for many people, bus especially those that feel as if they have something to lose. There are many methods available to people that choose to utilize them, it simply depends on the scenario and the level of need that people feel they need. Listed below are a few of the most popular and useful methods that different people have found to be effective in preventing theft of identity pertaining to their most sensitive and important information.

1. Stop giving out personal details to strangers. Although it may seem like a good idea to broadcast habits and successes on social media, this can in fact lead to trouble and theft down the road. Yes, this is a good way to keep family and friends in the loop, but unless you're able to completely control the flow and release of information, it could find its way into the hands of those that shouldn't have it, meaning that small details could be used to "break in" to the information that you're worked so hard to keep private.

2. Make passwords difficult to guess, and change them often. Even though this seems like a hassle and more trouble than it's worth, changing passwords often and making them complex is a great way to keep your information from being compromised. Your passwords are often the last line of defense between your information and thieves, meaning that if someone is able to guess what a password is, an entire slew of information could be compromised. Keeping thieves on their toes is only one method that can be used to keep information safe, but it is effective to an extreme.

3. Implement identity or credit monitors. These services are made and distributed with the hope that they will help users keep their information safe through constant monitoring and vigilance. These monitors constantly update themselves in order to provide the best possible coverage, ensuring that as soon as the companies that create them get updates, users will too. Credit and identity monitors are a good way to prevent identity theft from getting out of hand, and can be effectively used to cut things off before they are out of control and difficult to repair.

4. Change some of your habits. This may seem like it's too simple to actually work, but changing habits and using common sense is actually extremely effective when it comes to keeping identity thieves at bay. Throwing away receipts, writing void on old checks and even deleting emails instead of clicking on the unfamiliar ones are all ways that people can avoid becoming victims of identity theft, making things much simpler in the long run. Though it can be hard to adopt new habits, this is actually a much simpler practice than it seems to be, and may teach you a few new tricks along the way. Learning who and what to trust may seem like a daunting task, but it will definitely help out in the end, and can decrease the likelihood that your actions will directly contribute to you becoming a victim of identity theft.

What is Credit Fraud?

As far as identity theft goes, credit fraud is one of the most scary and damaging things that a person can deal with. Often, credit card fraud is able to happen for long periods of time without detection, meaning that by the time victims know that something is wrong, it's often much too late to stop a lot of it from going on. Credit fraud can be reversed after it is noticed, but it takes time and effort on the part of many people. This crime can happen to anyone, and has the potential to happen at any time... making it dangerous and quite hard to pinpoint. Luckily for consumers, there are many methods that can be used to find and stop credit fraud almost as soon as it begins happening.

Credit Monitoring Service

Just as the name implies, this type of service is used by people that want to keep a closer eye on their financial transactions and accounts. These services are used to monitor for identity theft by searching through accounts and information on a constant basis, looking for specific types of transactions and happenings that can be indicative of identity theft. These programs rely on past information - both from current users and from those whose accounts have already been compromised - in order to pinpoint things that could be signs of identity theft. After these are noticed, reports are emailed back to users, giving them the chance to look through their own accounts and make the necessary calls or take the next steps. With these notifications, people will know almost immediately that something is happening, and if it should not be, it can be stopped.

How does credit fraud impact the lives of individuals?
A scary crime, credit fraud can be quite damaging to victims. Accounts can be drained, cards can be opened under false pretenses and huge debts can be charged to them, purchases can be made and then ignored, leading to past due balances and declining credit scores... all of this can happen right under people's noses because some crafty thief was able to get into an account or a piece of information that they should not have had. As long as these crimes are noticed, they can be fixed... but this can take some time. Sure, as soon as they are alerted, financial institutions can put holds and stopped payments on cards, but if previous charges were made, they will take time to undo. During this period, people may be low on money while they are waiting for refunds, be denied applications for credit, thus not allowing them to pay for things like bills, trips and necessities. Also, a lowered credit score will not be repaired overnight- and anyone that ran a credit check during the period of theft will need to be contacted in order to ensure them that the actual individual did not have bad credit - that it was a thief that did the true damage.

Free Password Manager Advice

Identity theft protection services come in many shapes and sizes. These different choices allow people to pick programs that will work specifically for their personal needs, giving them the ability to choose based on the level and type of protection that they are seeking. From identity monitoring services to credit monitors and even single sign on solutions, there are different options available. One of the most useful types of services monitoring identity that are meant to prevent identity theft is a password manager. Though there are free password manager services available, it's important to consider all available options - both paid and free - before choosing the one that you want to use to keep your information safe and secure.

What is a password manager?
A password manager, simply put, is a way to organize and keep all of your passwords and information in one place, making it simple to access them when necessary and set them aside when not. It's not always necessary to know every single password you've ever created, meaning that sometimes things get forgotten when they haven't been used for a while. A password manager will keep all of your current (and prior) accounts and their information secure while allowing you to access them at will - and easily. Utilizing a single "master" password, this type of service can easily be used and updated by you, making it customizable and user friendly. While there are paid and free versions of these services that are effective, it's important to look through the benefits and offerings of each in order to get a better idea as to how they can be used - and help you to the fullest.

Do I really need one?
When asking this question, it's important to consider the information that you're trying to keep safe. Rather than having a list of passwords written down in a notebook or on a computer file - or even in a note program on a cell phone - using this method will keep this information hidden and out of the hands of others... especially thieves. Although you may not think that you have a need for a password manager, they are actually quite helpful and can relieve some stress that comes with trying to remember the passwords and changes that have been made to them throughout the years.

Where can I find them?
Some of these programs must be purchased from websites like, others can be downloaded via the Internet and implemented for free. Many of the paid versions offer trial uses, giving you a chance to see how they work and what they can do before requiring you to make a purchase, which is extremely helpful in the long run. As with a lot of things today, the Internet is a wealth of information on a variety of topics, and identity theft prevention is no different. The companies that create programs and services like these rely on word of mouth and operational success to stay in business, so past user stories and reviews are necessary in order for the companies to succeed at what they do, as well as change to meet the demands of the present population.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

What is a Password Vault

Monitoring for identity theft is something that many people take very seriously - but it is also something that few people truly understand the intricacies of. It's one thing to understand that in order to keep your information safe, you must take measures against thieves and strangers, and an entirely different thing altogether to know how to cover all bases. There are many different methods that can be used in order to better protect yourself from identity theft, as well as utilizing some common sense practices. Below, some of them are outlined in more detail, giving you an idea as to what you'll be working with after making the decision to protect your identity.

Password Management
This type of service can also be considered a password vault, because it is used to keep all of your passwords and account log in information in one place. With one main password, you'll be able to access an entire database of your information, making it possible to recover - and remember -  long lost and little used passwords and information. This service is extremely useful because it means that there will be no need to write down information, meaning that it can't "fall into" the wrong hands, potentially exposing your information to those that shouldn't have it. Password management is a relatively new trend, but it is useful to many different kinds of people with different volumes of passwords and information that needs to be stored.

Credit Monitors and Identity Monitoring Services
These services are much more in depth than password managers because they rely on user input in order to comprehensively look through and keep an eye on a person's information. They constantly scan through accounts, information, records and transactions, looking for things that are typically associated with prior cases of identity theft. When these are found, they are emailed back to users so that they can deal with things as needed - in order to full deal with identity theft, people must first know that it is happening... and these methods make this more than possible. Constantly working and focused on the areas that you feel need the most help, credit and identity monitors are a great way to help in stopping identity theft from getting out of hand and continuing without notice.

Common Sense Behavioral Changes
In terms of ease of use, these changes are much simpler (and less costly) to enact than the other methods. Common sense dictates that when people do not have access to information, they cannot misuse it. This means that in order to fully and best protect yourself from identity theft, you need to limit what you share and who you share it with. Don't post intimate details online, don't use sites that you don't trust... and definitely don't download or click on links from emails and websites unless you can be absolutely certain that they will not result in viruses, spam or someone that shouldn't have your information getting their hands on it. While it may take some time to get comfortable acting in this way, once you've adopted these changes, it will be easy to keep them as a part of your routine.

Starting the Process of Password Management

Many people don't always know this, but the concept of password management can go a long way toward helping to keep an identity safe. Often, passwords are the last line of defense between a person's information and thieves, so ensuring that they are safe, secure, and difficult to guess is imperative throughout the management process. While it is possible to manage passwords without a software or services, you should know that you have options - each of them meant to provide a sense of safety and security, letting you know that it will not be easy for someone to compromise your information and in turn, your life's work.

What is password management?
Though it sounds complicated, password management is simply one branch of identity theft protection. In order to learn more about it, company websites like have provided thorough information within their online pages - this type of presentation is meant to educate potential users about the benefits, methods and processes that are available to them. Password management is about more than keeping track of individual passwords and user information, it is also about keeping things organized so that you don't have to worry about searching for information whenever  you need it.

How is this accomplished?
ID theft protection can come in many forms, but password management is one of the ones that most heavily relies on user input in order to function properly. Password management may categorize information, but that information must be provided by you - the user - in order to provide a totally encompassing picture of your information's reach. Monitoring for identity theft doesn't have to be a complicated or elaborate process, it just needs to involve all of the right tools. Passwords are often chosen to be "simple" to remember by those that make them, but it's important to think about others when creating them as well. If a password is easy to guess based on personal information or preferences, it may not  be hard for a stranger - or a thief - to guess one or more of them. This is one of the reasons why password management is such a good idea; it allows you to come up with more complex security codes without the fear of them becoming compromised or worse - forgotten.

Who uses these services?
Password management services are used by people of all types and in all kinds of different locations. Families, individuals and even small businesses use password management software and services because they understand that the programs provide a great deal of security and assurances. Although the passwords will be localized and stored in one specific location, unless a person has or knows the "master" password, they cannot access anything - the database is meant to keep information private, but it does not need to be used in order to access your information. As long as you're able to remember passwords and log in information, you can use it... this is just meant to provide a fall back plan with no tangible information.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Where Can I Find The Best Identity Theft Protection

When trying to figure out what the right course of action is when monitoring for identity theft, you may wonder where you can find the best identity theft protection methods. While the answer to this might seem like it would be simple and straightforward, it is actually a matter of personal opinion. Surprisingly, though these methods are useful and practical in a variety of situations, some will work better than others in specific situations for certain people. While also one of the most likely places for identity theft to occur, the Internet is a great place to look for tips and tricks pertaining to finding - and using - the best identity theft protection possible.

Where to Look
A vast resource for information, the Internet is going to provide the best and most comprehensive information about the different types of identity theft protection available, as well as give people ideas about how to protect their information without using an actual service or program. There will be websites listing a variety of companies and what they are offering, individual company websites meant to entice people to use their products over others, reviews from past users and current customers, and even stories about those who have been victimized by identity theft in the past. All of this information is available with only a few clicks of the mouse, making it simple for people to narrow down their search and begin to decide what will work best for them.

What are the Choices?
Most companies offer multiple kinds of identity theft protection. This may include password management, single sign on solutions, credit and identity monitors, or even websites devoted to helping people better protect themselves without any outside help. This can be extremely helpful when people are unsure of what route to go, as following tips will help them do something in the meantime... even if that something is as simple as changing passwords to things that are more difficult to guess. Credit monitoring focuses on  person's financial information, while identity monitors watch over the small details - both of these are extremely effective methods of identity protection, making them good choices, depending on a person's need for protection.

Using these Methods
After choosing one or more of the available identity protection methods, it is up to users to maintain their use in order to ensure that they are getting the results that they should be. With credit and identity monitors, this means keeping the programs updated with current information as well as checking on the results that are emailed to them - meaning that if something is going on, they will know as soon as possible. For things like password keepers and single sign on, the maintenance process is slightly simpler, as there are no results to peruse - it's all about remembering base passwords and sign on information. These methods are meant to protect and help those that use them, not to hinder them in any way... it's important to remember that when trying to choose the best type of identity theft protection.

Is Identity Theft Online a Common Crime?

Nearly everyone that you meet has a computer or a handheld device of some sort that is connected to the Internet. Unfortunately, this increased usage by millions of people across the world has also increased the prominence of thieves that are looking to steal your identity, using what you have worked hard to achieve for their own personal gain. In order to understand why this type of crime has become more prevalent and damaging, you must first understand where and how it is happening to people.

Credit Fraud
This type of identity theft is particularly damaging, and affects a large chunk of the population. It can happen after something as simple as someone getting ahold of a receipt or seeing your PIN number; so it's very important that you hold on to things and ensure that your numbers are kept private. Credit fraud is typically only detected after a thief has made a large purchase, withdrawal or opened up a new card and run up a balance on it.. unfortunately, this means that the recovery process will be much longer than desired. Luckily for consumers, there are programs like credit monitoring services that can be put into place in order to look through account statuses and happenings in order to better alert you that something may be amiss. Company websites like will provide you with a great deal of information about the services they offer, as well as information about identity theft itself.

Identity Compromise
Unlike credit card theft, this type of identity theft happens when people use your personal information in order to gain something like a job, home, clean record or even address. When your identity has been compromised, it can be difficult to straighten things out, especially if a Social Security number has been stolen... these numbers are unique to everyone, so if someone has been using yours for a period of time with your knowledge, they could have done a lot of damage. Like credit monitoring services, there are plenty of options that can help you to monitor your identity, making it less likely that this type of theft will be allowed to continue unnoticed and unchecked.

But how do thieves get my information?
Those looking to steal the identities and information of others have developed methods by which to commit their crimes in secret - with a decreased chance of being caught. These people are constantly changing their styles and coming up with new ways to get "in" - for this reason, changing passwords, limiting the sites and services that you use and even making sure to keep information private from others is imperative to the safety and security of your information on a daily basis. Be mindful of what you throw away, be mindful of who you speak to on the phone or via the internet... it's a good idea to simply exercise caution when using the Internet in any manner - this may help you avoid becoming a victim of identity theft online.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Preventing Identity Theft: Helpful Tips

Many people may feel overwhelmed when it comes to figuring out how to best protect themselves and prevent identity theft, but after following a few simple steps and learning some basic information things will seem much simpler and a lot easier to understand. While the best type of identity theft protection for one person may not be as useful or beneficial for someone else, the options that are available are tailored to meet the needs of many different people, making them usable on a large scale - and providing many different options in order to appeal to the masses. Below are some tips that those who are considering implementing one of the available methods should be aware of, as they can be quite helpful throughout the process of choosing and using them as an added way to protect your identity.

- Do your research. Before selecting one of the available services, you should know exactly what you're choosing. This can be done by going online and visiting the respective websites for the companies like, as there is a great deal of information available about each of the methods that are offered present. In addition to the service specific information, it can be helpful to look at customer reviews, demonstrations, product benefits and specifications. These facts and figures can help to make the decision simpler to make in the end, as not all services are meant do the same thing in the same way - meaning that one service could benefit someone much more than another for specific concerns and situations.

- Don't settle. If you need a service to monitor credit, select one that is aimed at financial protection services, and if you are concerned about your actual identity, one that is meant to monitor personal information would be a better option. Your money is important to you, so if you're concerned about its safety, an identity monitor may not do what you're wanting it to... whereas if you are more concerned about someone using your name or a compromised Social Security number, a credit monitoring service would not get the job done. Your information and personal profile say a great deal about you, so choosing the absolute best options to protect it are imperative.

- Keep an open mind. These services are meant to work completely and comprehensively, but they are not meant to stop thieves from accessing your information in the first place. While they do what they are meant to do, it will take them some time in order to go through all of your information and give you the results you need to move forward. The results provided will be compiled and organized in an easy to read and understand manner, giving you the ability to go through things and prioritize them to the best of your ability. They have a proven track record - they work, and they are programmed to evolve with the changes in tactics used by thieves, making them some of the most helpful methods available to the public for preventing identity theft.

Should I Protect My Identity?

Growing up, people are taught many things. They're taught that they need to be vigilant about certain aspects of their lives - their money, their friends, their relationships... but the most important thing that many people learn as they age is that it is important to cultivate a unique identity for themselves, and to protect it - at all costs. In order to do this effectively, it may be necessary to enlist some outside help. This help could be something simple like an antivirus software or a password manager... or something a bit more complex like a credit or identity monitor. Using any of these types of services is a good way to keep things from spiraling out of control, especially when it comes to cases of identity theft and the misuse of information.

What would someone want with my identity?
You'd be surprised at the lengths that people will go to in order to better themselves, and sadly, this includes stealing from others that have worked hard to achieve success or status. Thieves typically do not discriminate against specific identities - no matter what your own status is, there's always a risk of some type of compromise by a stranger - but often, those with clean records, good credit scores and multiple bank accounts or credit cards are targeted. Another big "sell" for thieves is people that have store specific lines of credit - as it is sometimes much easier to gain access into a larger database of information... this will benefit them the most, as finding their way in will let them access the accounts of multiple people at once. Your identity is unique - you may have a better shot at getting approved for a credit card or getting a loan... or even getting a job via less of a criminal record or something similar, so you have to protect it in order to keep this from happening. Just as valuable to a thief as it is to you, your identity has the potential to be misused in a variety of ways as soon as a stranger gets their hands on even the tiniest piece of personal information.

When should I begin using these methods?
In all honesty, these services will be an asset to you no matter when you choose to use them. Since types of identity theft can occur anywhere at any time, it's never too soon to do something in order to protect yourself and the information that you hold most dear. One of the greatest benefits of these types of identity theft protection services is that since they are computerized, you can use them for any period of time - and stop them whenever you choose to. They truly are designed to work for you as an individual, and they can be customized in terms of what they do and how they do these things - they're easy to understand and even simpler to use. While identity theft is always going to be present due to the increased use of computers and the Internet to do everyday things like banking and shopping, utilizing these services can reduce the likelihood that you'll become an unknowing victim, which is always a good thing.

Filing an Identity Theft Report

In order to begin the extensive recovery process after falling victim to a case of identity theft, you must first catch and remove the thief from your accounts. Though this does not always mean physically catching an individual that has entered into your private information, it does entail making it so that they can no longer use your information for their own personal gain - whether this is through changing a password, closing an account or simply placing a freeze on credit or debit cards, there are many options for you to choose from. After this has been done, you may begin the actual recovery process which starts with filing both parts of an identity theft report.

What is this report?
An identity theft report begins with an official affidavit that states that the transactions or activity in question is in dispute - you're officially stating that you were not responsible for what happened, you didn't make the charges or the changes, and it was not you that signed up for something. This piece of paper will go a long way toward getting back to the point where your information is private and secure, and is a legally binding document once signed. It may include a list of the suspicious activity, the specific transactions, and any information that you already have about the occurrence of theft. In addition to this sheet, you'll have to also file a police report in many states, making it publicly known that there was a crime committed. This way, when you're approaching your financial or local law enforcement and government institutions, there will be a record of you stating that you're not responsible for what has occurred, even though it happened with your name.

How can I start filing one?

Many computer services that focus on credit and identity theft monitoring offer forms like this within their suite of user tools. If or when a transaction like this is found, it can be noted and printed - giving you something to take with you when you go to make the report and start the recovery process. Before taking any action toward closing accounts, recovering funds and getting your life back on track, it's important to have this type of paper filled out, as it can reduce the number of headaches that you face in the future, as well as expedite the services that you will need to utilize while going through the process. If not provided by your monitoring company, the form (which is called an FTC affidavit) can be filled out and submitted online - you must print a copy to take with you to the police station. The identity theft report is comprised of both the affidavit and the police report - you'll need both pieces in order to proceed, as well as to have a complete and finished record of an occurrence of identity theft. Without the use of credit monitoring and identity monitoring services, it may be extremely difficult to catch these thieves, resulting in a great deal of lost time, lost money and deflated morale.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fighting Against Identity Theft

In an effort to keep from becoming a victim, people are always looking for the best ways to protect against identity theft. They research and implement different methods from changing habits to utilizing services like credit and identity monitors, or single sign on solutions... but are these effective? Unsurprisingly, the answer to this question is a resounding yes  these services were created and presented as a way for the general public to fight back against the people that try desperately to ruin the lives of others while gaining significantly. Listed below are just a few of the methods and ways that people can protect themselves and their loved ones from these seriously damaging crimes.

  • Stop using simple passwords. The more complicated a password is, the less likely it is to be guessed by a thief, giving them full access to your most personal information.
  • Change these passwords often. Like stated above, when changed frequently, passwords are more difficult to guess.... and when changed to something complicated and hard to guess, this becomes even more true.
  • Don't give information to strangers. This goes for in person and online. Many people are quick to pass out personal information over the phone or through the mail, especially when the feel the contact is someone legitimate. When online, validating the legitimacy of email senders, websites and friends on social media is imperative to keeping your information from falling into the wrong hands.
  • Choose a monitoring service that will meet your needs. Although this option will cost you money in most cases, it is worth it. These services are coded to be effective, thorough and constant, meaning that at no time will the stop looking through your provided information unless you tell them to.
  • Be vigilant. Checking your accounts and information often can be a great way to catch on to the activities of thieves, especially when it comes to finances. Things can change quickly when it comes to bank and credit card accounts, so waiting long periods of time between perusing your history is a definite mistake. If using a monitoring service, the results are conveniently sent straight to you, meaning that there will be even less work involved in this activity.
  • Understand what you're trying to prevent. Having a greater understanding of what identity theft is all about and what the thieves are tying to accomplish will not only educate you about the situation that you could eventually face, but it can also make it seem more imperative to choose some form of protection, as this can definitely help in the long run. There is a great deal of information about identity theft, thieves and their victims online... use your available resources.

While effective, these tips cannot stop thieves from stealing information or money in the first place. They can be used and practiced by a wide variety of people, but will be most effective depending on the specific circumstances that they are used under - so what works best for one person or family may work to a different degree for others. Carefully considering all options before choosing one or more of these methods (or something different) is an important step to take, and can result in your information staying safe and much more secure.

What Are Credit Alert Services?

When it comes to identity theft, no one wants to become a victim. Being a victim means going through the process of recovering lost funds, a lost sense of privacy, and lost time. Repairing these things may take some time, and it is not a fun process - luckily for you and for the thousands of other concerned individuals out there, you've got options when it comes to identity theft protection. From single sign on solutions to identity monitoring in general, there is an option for everyone... you just have to know where to look.

Introdcing... credit monitoring

This type of service includes coverage of all of the different types of information that are connected to your financial dealings. Credit cards and bank accounts are some of the first things targeted by thieves in many cases, so it is important to do whatever it takes to keep your information safe. Credit monitoring services look through financial accounts for signs of theft and any potential fraud that could indicate identity theft. To protect from ID theft, you must know what to look for, and that is where these services come in handy. Unlike people, who may not be up to speed on what exactly to look for when it comes to cases of identity theft, these services are programmed and designed to be constantly aware, always looking through account information and transaction history for things that could point to identity theft occurring - they are regularly updated, meaning that they always have the most recent information to pull from, ensuring that your information will be much more secure.

How does this type of service alert me to potential theft?

The nice thing about these services is that they are simple to use, and they do all of the hard work. This includes sending you alerts via email about the status of your accounts. For those that are not victims, these results may simply include an update on account and balance status as well as a detailed list of important transactions. The results sent to those that may be victims are entirely different, though. These can list suspicious activities, unusual transactions and even specific occurrences that have been highlighted and flagged as the most probable points of thievery. You have the ability when using some of these services to set up specific items to be "flagged" - meaning that certain types of transactions will automatically trigger alerts, sending them to you on a much more regular basis than is typical. After you receive these alerts, you can take further action toward recovery and forcibly removing the thieves from your information.

The way they work

These services do indeed work, but they do require a bit of user input. From implementing them and entering in basic and necessary information to carefully going through the information provided by the emailed results, the services are with you every step of the way until you want them to be otherwise. Protecting your credit is one of the most important things that you can do, so carefully choosing the type of protection method can go an extremely long way.

Are There Credit Score Services Available to Me?

Many adults consider getting their yearly credit score report a tradition of sorts. The results of this report let them know how much their financial status has changed over a period of time, giving them an indication of where they stand with their financial institutions, and what their likelihood is of getting approved for a loan or simply being able to continue to survive. Your actual credit score is a result of many different factors, but it is quite telling - and one of the things that can result in a serious change is a case of identity theft. Thieves target their victims looking to gain something, whether it is a sum of money or an unblemished name, meaning that it is almost imperative to implement some type of identity theft protection to keep yourself and your information more safe and secure. One of the most popular types of ID protection are credit monitoring services, which can be used to monitor financial status throughout the year.

What does this type of service accomplish?
While it gives results that are similar to a yearly credit score, credit monitoring services operate on a much more frequent basis. They report back in a timely - typically daily, sometimes weekly - fashion, meaning that it will never be months between results. This expedited report schedule means that thieves won't be able to settle in to your accounts and steal from you - their activities have a better chance of getting noticed quickly and efficiently. These credit score services are designed to help those that use them by providing accurate and in depth information on a schedule that works well. In order to be able to put an end to identity theft, you must first be able to find and catch the thieves that are committing the crimes within your accounts.

Can I use them with all of my financial accounts?
Your credit score and standing are determined after analyzing the sum of information from all of your different accounts. When you're looking for the top credit monitoring service, you'll need to take into account the type of protection you need. Not everyone will need the same type of protection or the same depth of services, but each company that makes services like these designs their products in order to meet the needs of a large variety of people. Your information will never be exactly like someone else's, meaning that it is entirely likely that you'll have accounts and information that is different from that of others - as long as you enter in accurate and complete information, services that monitor credit can be used across the board to better protect all of you most important and private information in a manner that consistent and efficient.

These services are available from many different companies, and offer users many different options when looking for the best ways to protect themselves and their information. Looking online will provide you with a great deal of information about prospective companies, as most of the websites are filled with content detailing the products, services, what they provide as well as past success stories. Finding an available service will not be the difficult part of the process - it will be more difficult to select the right one to meet your needs.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

One of the Worst Kinds of Theft: Identity Compromise

With the increased presence on the Internet that many people have, identity theft cases have gone way up in a very short amount of time. The increased number of these cases is due to people putting a great deal of real life information online, for others to see and use if they can figure out how. Identity thieves are extremely resourceful, coming up with new ways to compromise the information of their victims in a manner that will be less likely to be detected - by using these methods, thieves are able to steal information and money in large amounts, effectively putting a huge damper on the lives of the people that they are invading. Identity theft is dangerous and scary, as it means that you have lost control over your most personal information and must fight to get it back. Luckily, there have been advancements made by companies like that offer customers the ability to fight back against these thieves, taking back control over the most intimate and personal details of their lives.

Credit and Identity Monitoring Services

Some of the best identity protection services are the types that focus on monitoring credit and services monitoring identity. While each of these is relevant in its own right, the results mean entirely different things to the people that use them. Credit monitors focus on the financial side of things, ensuring that transactions, account balances and payments are all what they are supposed to be, and that if there is some type of discrepancy, it can be addressed almost immediately. The same goes for identity monitoring, but the information that is perused with these services focuses on things like name, address and Social Security numbers. Another place that is monitored is the use of a person's name and information in public records. This includes law enforcement encounters, marriages and divorce records, even employment history is taken into account. The thieves will try to use the information that they steal in any way that can benefit them - nothing is off limits to thieves, which is why it is imperative to do something as soon as possible in order to keep them at bay, or to be able to quickly remove them from your life... and keep them gone.

How can these crimes impact victims?

Theft of identity is a dangerous crime because it is often extremely difficult to pinpoint the actual perpetrators of the crimes. Without being able to identify the people behind the theft, it can be hard to keep them from striking again, stealing from someone else. Victims of identity theft have been known to have a long recovery process, difficult time making things right and repairing their credit (even though it was not their fault that things went sour) and even an extremely difficult go at explaining situations to potential employers or landlords. Identity theft will not fix itself, meaning that vigilance is imperative when it comes to finding and stopping the crime, and ensuring that if you become a victim, it is not for a long period of time.

Using Identity Theft Services to Your Advantage

Protecting your identity is one of the most important things that you can do, and luckily for many people across the globe there are a variety of ways and methods that can accomplish this task. These types of identity theft protection are meant to be extremely useful and thorough, providing users with the tools necessary to protect their information should it become compromised. Meant to be an advantage to you, these services were created to meet the different needs of people that choose to use them, making it more likely that thieves can be caught and removed from a situation.

Credit and Identity Monitoring

These two are arguably the most well known types of identity theft protection, and they are used by the most people. They are used to watch over the identity and the information of users, looking into the smallest details and checking out the information that people may even forget that they have entered. While credit monitoring services focus on the financial aspect of your identity, looking into banking, billing and shopping information, identity monitors take into account the smallest informational details - name, address, birthday, Social Security number... the details that make up the most important parts of your life. If thieves are able to access these pieces of information without detection, things can go downhill extremely quickly.

 Both of these services are readily available, and if you're trying to decide whether or not to use them, there is a ton of information available online, especially at websites like After learning more about these services, you can choose to implement one or both types - starting up an increased protection service immediately. These services are not meant to stop thieves from getting in in the first place, but rather they are meant to find suspicious activities and allow you - or police or banking officials - to remove them quickly so that you're able to get your life back on track as soon as possible.

How They Will Be Used

These programs and services are meant to run in the background, but run constantly. They are working for you around the clock, looking for transactions and signals that something may be amiss. Even though they don't report back about every single type of transaction they find, they are programmed to report back ones that are typically associated with identity theft - making it more likely that thieves will be found, caught, and stopped. While people cannot look through their own information 24/7, these monitors can - meaning that even if something is reported in the middle of the night, you'll know about it within the next day or so.

In recent years, identity theft services have become more commonplace, with new options being made available all the time. While this means that more cases of identity theft are occurring, it also means that people are coming up with new ways to catch these thieves - which is a great option to have. No one wants to be a victim, and these services are making it possible for this to happen.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Where Can I Find Identity Theft Protection Services?

Despite being a terribly invasive and damaging crime, identity theft's increasing occurrence has necessitated the creation of applications and services that are meant to monitor your identity, your finances, your passwords and even your computers as a whole. These services are meant to allow you to fight back against those that are trying to use your information in a manner that should not be happening - they are useful, simple, and extremely thorough. When trying to select the right type of service to meet your needs, you may be wondering where you can go to in order to find more information pertinent to you making the final decision - luckily, there is more than one place to look.

The Internet

With its vast network of pages and information, the Internet is a valuable resource when looking for information about identity theft protection. There are many company websites like that provide complete and total information about the products that they offer. This is not the only one available, either, as companies like this one want to provide potential customers with more than enough information to make the choice that will work best for them. In addition to the information about the companies themselves, the Internet also provides you with stories from past users, identity theft victim testimonials, suggestions about monitoring for identity theft, and in depth information about what a struggle it can be to recover from identity theft. All of this information together will more than help you decide that choosing and using some type of identity theft services is a good choice.

Over the Phone

For those that want to actually speak to a representative, there are phone numbers to call. Some of these companies will be the same ones that can be found online, but others will be local services that have earned a good reputation in your area. This localized approach can give you the peace of mind that if something does happen, help is only a phone call away - you'll be talking to a real person that knows you.. not just relying on a person behind a screen that could be thousands of miles away. Representatives of these companies can answer questions over the phone, explain services, walk you through things and even close sales - they are just as knowledgeable about the products as the Internet representatives.

Through Word of Mouth

These companies build their reputations based on success stories from past and current customers. While information may be available over the phone, through the mail or online, the really telling features and instances will be passed around by speaking to people that have actually used and benefitted from these services in the past. Even though identity theft protection methods cannot stop the thieves from getting into your accounts in the first place, they are extremely useful when it comes to catching thieves and ensuring that they cannot bury themselves any further. Hearing about how the services have worked for others and what they were able to alert people to can be much more compelling than simply reading words on a page or hearing an employee try to sell a product.

Choosing the Best Credit Score Monitoring Service

Many people are extremely concerned about the safety and security of the financial side of their lives. They go to work, put in long hours and slowly work their way up. With this journey, the ultimate goal is success and wealth in some form, so why should they have to worry about a stranger breaking in and taking away what they have worked so hard to achieve? For this reason, identity protection services like credit score monitoring, identity monitoring and even password encryption software have grown in popularity, each of them offering something slightly different to those that use them. When trying to decide what the best credit score monitoring services are, it is important to understand how the services work and exactly what they are offering in order to make the best possible decision.

What does a credit score monitoring service do?

This type of service acts as a sort of babysitter over a person's finances. It watches transactions, balances, payments and account status. When looking to see something like a credit score, this service is used to see whether or not this score - one of the most defining numbers in a person's life - has changed dramatically for the worse. A sharp drop in credit score may indicate many things including delinquent accounts, lots of new inquiries, missed payments, or even misuse of a person's name... all indicators of potential identity theft, and a situation that needs to be rectified immediately.

Who would benefit from this service?

Many people are used to receiving their credit scores once a year. Though this can be indicative of a long period of change, waiting this long could result in missed opportunities to catch thieves... a mistake that can be difficult to correct. Those that want immediate results and the means to do something to improve their status if necessary would most definitely benefit from using one of these services, so it is important to do some research if this is the route that is chosen. There is no reason to wait until it seems as if there is already  problem to start using these types of services, either... they can be just as useful before the signs of theft are present as after.

The ability to detect identity theft may be one that the average person does not have. It is almost a physical impossibility for a person to be able to look through every single one of their accounts or all of their information on a constant basis, so implementing a computer program to take over this task can be very helpful. Not only do these programs monitor information constantly, the do so in a thorough manner that is meant to catch small things - things that human eyes can sometimes miss. People that receive regular updates about their account status are much more likely to be able to find and stop identity theft before it gets too out of hand - which is a win - win scenario for everyone involved except the thief.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Who Needs Credit Monitoring Services?

Monitoring for identity theft has become almost commonplace due to the increased presence of thieves online. These thieves have found new ways to gain access into the lives of others, making them increasingly hard to catch and even harder to detect, but programs like credit monitors and identity monitors have been created to do just that- giving people the chance to fight back and keep their information as private as is possible. These services are unique in that they are not designed for one specific type of person - the products offered by companies that have created monitors like these have developed products that will (and do!) work for a wide variety of people across the world.

Regular people use these services.  Credit monitoring is a valuable asset that can be utilized by people of all types. Rich and poor, young and old... these services provide a benefit to anyone looking for a way to protect their most private and sensitive information in a manner that will not take up a great deal of time or require a lot of additional effort by users. While they are comprehensive, these services are also simple in nature, making them available and appealing to people that are both extremely familiar with computers as well as just learning how to use them.

Both businesses and individuals can benefit from using services that monitor credit. Identity theft protection methods are subjective, meaning that different people will get different things out of them - but the desired end result is still the same. Credit monitors are meant to provide peace of mind to people that fear for the safety of their money and credit standing - but they can be used by businesses, as well. Money is money, and these services are programmed to spot discrepancies that can happen to any account - even one that belongs to a business. Odd transactions, sudden changes in account status, money transfers,  unlikely purchases... these are all things that could indicate some type of security breach on both an individual or corporate level, and will be watched for by a credit monitor.

It's entirely possible that even if you implement a credit monitoring service, you'll never become a victim of identity theft. Rather than being blindsided by a crime of this magnitude with no protection, many people choose to use these types of services for long periods of time, acting as a barrier and as a "just in case" method. These services cannot stop thieves from getting in, but they are truly effective in making sure that the crimes are not allowed to continue long term. Once you have become a victim, it can be a long and difficult process to get your name cleared and your life back - so it seems like a great idea to consider implementing some type of protection in order to help alleviate the stress that can come with a crime like this, as well as time spent trying to recover. Identity theft is no joke - any victim will tell you this, and credit monitoring services are a great way to ensure that you do not fall victim for a long period of time.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Can Free Identity Theft Protection Actually Work?

People often say that the best things in life are free, but does this translate to services like identity theft protection? Can a free product really compete with paid services and do what it is meant to do? This is a question that is best answered by taking a look at one of the sites that offers identity theft protection - This site has many different plans and products available, including credit monitoring services, identity monitoring, single sign on solutions, credit score reporting and much more. These services all come at a cost, but the company offers something extremely valuable for free - a trial of their services.

But what will a trial do?
A trial of something is a limited look at the ways a product or service can benefit users. While it is only available for a short period of time, it can often give people an idea of exactly how something works - allowing them to decide whether or not they want to purchase the product in the end. A  trial may include limited features, a short time frame in which to play around with features, results and reports and an in depth description of services in order to appeal more to potential users. A trial is meant to entice users by showing them what companies have to offer before they make their purchase.

Are there free services that don't end after a trial period?
While there are free services that can be used indefinitely that do in fact work, there are paid options that offer additional services, more customized protection methods, and a better likelihood of catching  thieves. This is made possible because charging a fee for a product allows the development team to spend more time and effort updating the products that they create. Without funding, it may be more difficult to keep up with changes in structure, tactics of thieves, and  new methods that are used to monitor accounts as people do not want to work for free - fewer updates mean a better chance for an outdated product, which is never a good thing... but can be especially damaging when personal information and financial security and stability are on the line.

Should I trust a free service?
The answer to this question is somewhat subjective. For some, using a free service is the only option, as that is all that can be afforded. While using this type of service will offer some protection, it may not be enough to catch thieves or keep them from doing a great deal of damage. Free products have proven to be successful in terms of programs and services like virus protection, office suites, games and applications, but most of these free options also have paid alternatives. Using a free service may be enough to give a person an idea as to whether or not they would like (or think they could benefit from) using a paid version... but it's important to remember that in many cases, you get what you pay for, and that things cost money for a reason.

Knowing When to ID Protect

Life is full of decisions, and sometimes it takes people quite a long time to make the ones that will benefit them. The decisions that have the most impact on people are often the ones that are the most difficult to make, but this means that they are also some of the most important and impactful. Choosing a type of identity theft protection that will meet your needs and keep some of the most imperative information from falling into the wrong hands. Luckily, there are a multitude of options available, all of which are designed with the purpose and intent to keep your information as safe as is possible.

What do these services do?
ID protect services work in the same manner no matter what the focus of their attention is. Credit and identity monitors both look through all of your information, transactions and requests and compile a list of the ones that look even the slightest bit suspicious. They then email these results back to you on a daily basis (or another chosen interval) in order to better arm you with the information that you'll need to keep informed about the status of your life's most important pieces. These services do not stop thieves outright, but they do work toward finding them so that you can put an end to their thievery - and hopefully prevent further occurrences. These service dig deep into your information, looking in places that could otherwise be ignored or forgotten, ensuring that even they are carefully analyzed, as thieves don't care how often something is used or how long it's been since you've checked the account... if it's there, there's the potential for compromise.

But how do they work?
These services are designed to be comprehensive and extremely thorough. They look through even the smallest details, so as long as you provide valid and accurate information when you first begin using them, they will do what they are supposed to do. As identity thieves are constantly changing their modes of operation, these programs are constantly updating themselves to meet these changes, trying to stay one step ahead of the thieves. These updates may include looking for new types of transactions, different types of account applications, a closer look at micro transactions, or even looking deeper in to the ways that personal information is used. These changes are imperative to the success of these programs, and to the safety of your information.

If you feel that your account has been compromised, then you've waited too long to implement ID protection. This type of protection is useful, but it's only going to work when it's used properly and for the correct purposes. While it is possible to recover from identity theft, it can be extremely difficult to do so on your own, so utilizing one or more types of protection to protect ID can be a lifesaver. These services are meant to do the hard work for you, leaving you free to live your life and take action when it is necessary in order to save yourself from the struggle of digging yourself out of a case of prolonged identity theft.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Is It Imperative to Use Identity Theft Protection?

No one can force you to do anything in terms of using protection on your accounts, but implementing some type - any type - of identity theft protection is not only a good idea; it can save users a lot of time and hassle in the future. Identity theft protection at its core is meant to help those that use it, meaning that it is intuitive, comprehensive, modern, and constantly changing. This type of service needs to flow with the times - keeping up with new discoveries by thieves in order to best protect users ... and keep up their reputations among users. While the word "imperative" may be a little much, it is most definitely a good idea to at least consider doing something to protect your information, as it may mean the difference between simplicity and complications down the line.

But what can they really do?
Despite being computerized services, identity protection and credit monitoring services are able to protect the information of their users just as well if not better than a set of human eyes and hands could. Whereas it is quite possible for a human to miss specific details, these programs are trained and coded to look for even the smallest changes and transactions, especially when they are associated with identity theft of any kind. Transactions, balances, statements, credit applications, new job applications, marriage license approvals - each of these represents one of the many types of things that identity theft protection services look for and alert users to.

Do I have to use a computerized program?
The answer to this is somewhat complicated. As discussed above, these computer programs have proven themselves over and over, and are extremely comprehensive and adept at analyzing the smallest detail. It is possible to protect from identity theft without using one or more of these methods, but the "human" ways may not be as in depth or successful. Changing passwords, not giving out potentially useful information to others, and even limiting online transactions are all things that can promote a safer display of your identity, but companies with extensive websites like are able to promote and recommend their products and services by sharing stats, success stories, product examples, and even different levels of protection based on the chosen product.

Identity theft protection of any type cannot prevent thieves from accessing your information in the first place, but it can definitely keep them from staying deeply embedded within your most personal facts and figures. By the time you've established credit and a career for yourself, you've worked hard, and the idea that someone you don't even know may be able to change that is terrifying - and understandably so. Why risk losing what you've worked to attain, even for a short period of time? Choosing to use theft protection of some sort - be it credit, identity or password monitoring, using common sense or even limiting access - can often be enough to make it more difficult for thieves to disrupt your life and routine... which should be more than enough of a reason to use one or more of these methods.

Identity Theft Monitoring is Always a Good Idea

When looking for the best ways to protect yourself online, implementing some type of identity theft protection is a great way to save yourself a lot of future time and effort. Thieves are constantly coming up with fresh, new ways to infiltrate the information of their intended victims, meaning that in order to beat them, you'll need to have updated and consistent methods of protection in place in order to have the best chance of coming out on top. Monitoring for identity theft may seem like a daunting task, but there are different methods that you can choose in order to ensure the most comprehensive and correct type of protection for your specific needs

Identity Monitoring

Exactly what it sounds like, this type of protection method focuses on the personal details that tell a person's individual story. Birthdays, names, addresses, public records... even your Social Security number are all at risk when it comes to the potential for being compromised by thieves, so these services act as a watchdog with all of this information. Not only can an identity monitoring service look through all provided information, but it compiles the results that it finds into an easy to understand report and emails it back to you. Having this information - and knowing that it is a direct representation of the way that your name and identity are being used across the board - can make it much simper to figure out whether or not you have fallen prey to one of these thieves, as well as give you the chance to rectify the situation.

Credit Monitoring

Just like with an identity monitor, a credit monitoring service looks through pertinent information about your financial accounts and makes reports based on the findings. These reports include thing like transactions, accounts opened or closed, balances, credit inquiries and purchase history... they focus on things that are typically associated with cases of identity theft, which can often be overlooked by human eyes as they are often just "regular" types of transactions. Having a computerized program doing the hard work for you will make such a difficult task seem more manageable, giving you the ability to combat thieves before they dig in too deeply, causing hard to fix damage to your accounts and to your credit score.

In the long run, utilizing even one of these types of protection can help to make it less likely that an identity thief will be able to steal your information and misuse it for the long term. Even though the initial breach of information can still be devastating, a better likelihood of catching the thieves early on is one of the many benefits that these types of services provide to users, which can (and will) help to minimize the damage caused. Identity theft is a serous crime, with effects that will be felt long after things have begun to turn around and the thieves have been forced out. It takes time to recover and to get back to the starting point for many... but it is entirely possible to bounce back from identity theft, especially with some form of identity theft monitoring.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Who Benefits from Using Identity Protection

The likelihood of becoming a victim of identity theft has increased throughout the last decade as more and more people have started to post things on the Internet. Even though putting information online can be extremely useful in many situations, it also increases the amount of personal things that thieves can learn about someone - making it simpler to steal their identity. For this reason, companies have come up with different methods (all of which are extremely useful) meant to keep watch over different types of information, increasing the safety of an individual's information when online. While it may seem as if those that use the services will be the only ones benefitting from using these programs, this is not true.

Service users will benefit the most. This is a true statement, as the people who are expecting these programs to keep their information under constant watch will see the most benefit from identity protection services. They may be alerted to suspicious activity, reminded about due dates and informed that transactions have occurred These alerts will let people know what's been going on within their accounts, giving them the chance to take action if necessary. No only will the users be able to worry a little less about constantly watching their different accounts, but they can have some peace of mind that even though they are not watching over their information, someone is. Even if the services never show any indication of identity theft, they are still useful in helping to build a portfolio and a history of account activity.

The companies that create these identity protection services also benefit. As long as there are people using them, these companies will remain active and busy perfecting and updating their products. Identity theft is becoming more common a crime - it's not going away, so more and more people are turning to services like credit and identity monitors in order to protect their information and fight back against these identity thieves. Identity protection is a thriving and extremely competitive market, but will all of the different individual needs that people have, there is room for many different companies to carefully craft and present their products for private use. Everyone from mid to large scale companies to a teenager that has just started college or an elderly person with their first computer has a need for this type of service, which means that the demand is not going anywhere.

Banks and other institutions will benefit, too. When someone has stolen someone else's identity, the victims are not the only ones that have to go through steps to rectify damage. Banks and credit card companies often have to refund money, change transactions, or cancel orders. In addition, many employers or public offices also have to go though paperwork and requests in order to ensure that the people that they send reports, statements and approvals  to are the correct ones, so it may take some time in order to sift back through old requests in order to be able to address the proper parties. When people have implemented different types of identity protection, they may be able to contact these types of institutions sooner - meaning that there will be less for these employees to have to look backwards through in order to correct transactions and refund money.